Custom Packaging

Wood Crates, Plywood Boxes, Custom Pallets & Bases
REID PACKAGING builds custom wooden crates and bases for products small and large, from small batteries to huge wind turbines. We adapt to your packaging needs and can produce volumes of just one to many thousands.

Triple Wall Boxes & Custom Corrugated Boxes
REID PACKAGING manufactures custom corrugated boxes in single-wall, double-wall, and custom triple-wall configurations. Any quantity. Any size.
Trade Show & Reusable Crates
REID PACKAGING builds your trade show crates and other reusable custom crates to the highest standards in the packaging industry.
Moisture Control & Corrosion Prevention
Reid Packaging maintains an extensive inventory of vapor barrier materials, desiccants and other products that control moisture exposure and prevent corrosion in your industrial packaging.
Foam Cushioning & Protective Wraps
REID PACKAGING maintains a variety of foam cushioning and protective wraps that cushion your items during transport.